The Importance of Pediatric Care

Childhood is marked by tremendous growth and development from birth up to age 18. This makes regular pediatric care a vital part of not only keeping your child well, but also providing guidance throughout your child's development.
Pediatric care means more than treating your child when they’re sick. That's why the team at Monarque Health and Wellness Center believes in forming a partnership with families to create the best environment for your child's health and well-being.
Take a moment as our experts discuss the importance of regular pediatric care in keeping your child healthy and happy through every stage of growth and development.
Well-baby care
Pediatric care for your child starts as an infant. Well-baby visits focus on keeping your baby well and providing guidance for the future. Your pediatrician sees your baby after they leave the hospital and one or two times before they turn 1 month old.
These visits give your pediatrician the opportunity to track your child’s growth and development, and keep tabs on milestones to ensure that your child is developing normally. You can expect your provider to track your child’s weight and check in to make sure breastfeeding or formula feeding is going well.
After the first month, you should see your pediatrician every 2-3 months until they’re 2 years old, and then you should schedule well-baby visits every six months.
Well-baby visits are also a great time for parents to bring up any concerns you may have regarding your child’s growth and development.
Well-child care
Pediatric care continues as your child grows. Well-child care is the core of keeping your child healthy and encompasses a variety of types of treatment to treat issues and prevent others from arising. Your child receives scheduled immunizations, as well as physicals and exams.
These visits are also a time to talk to your doctor about your child’s nutrition, and discuss topics such as milestones, learning, and social behaviors. Your pediatrician advises you on the best childhood nutrition tips so your child gets the nutrients they need for continued growth and development.
You can bring up concerns about anything from your child’s sleep to issues such as suspected allergies.
Treating sudden illness
Of course, in the event that your child is ill, your pediatrician should be your first stop and number one resource. Your provider is trained in treating the full range of illnesses that impact infants, children, and adolescents as they journey through the years.
As your child's immune system is still developing, they’re susceptible to a range of childhood illnesses, including infections of the ears, nose, throat, and eyes. Treating acute illnesses such as whooping cough and pediatric flu are an important part of keeping your child well.
Don’t hesitate to bring your child in if you notice that your child is unwell.
Managing chronic illness
Some children have chronic health conditions that need to be managed so your child can develop normally and lead a good quality of life.
Whether your child has Type 1 diabetes (formerly called juvenile diabetes), ADHD, or epilepsy, your pediatrician collaborates with medical specialists when appropriate, and works closely with you to ensure that your child receives the best possible care.
High-quality pediatric care
The Monarque Health and Wellness Center team is dedicated to providing high-quality pediatric care. We believe in developing strong, trusting bonds with families to help you keep your child happy and well.
For all of your pediatric needs, reach out to our Ashland office by calling 541-326-4777 to schedule an appointment with one of our providers.
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